Plan A Visit

Getting There

Our building is located next to the Windber Elementary School in the Rummel section of Windber. One of its defining features is the large white steeple over the sanctuary.


When should I arrive?
Our Sunday Morning Services start at 10:00am. Most people arrive around 9:45am.

Where should I park?
You can park in the lot closest to the church building. Our lot has handicap spaces as well as first time visitor spots. Overflow parking is available in the Windber Elementary School parking lot.

Where should I enter the building?
The main entrance to our building is located to the left of the parking lot. It’s by the cool street lamp. We’ll have greeters there to guide you.

What To Expect

What should I wear?

If you want to wear a suit and tie, go for it! If jeans and a t-shirt are more to your liking, you’ll fit right in as well. It’s important to us that each person feels comfortable during worship.

What kind of music will I hear?

We sing a lot of different styles of music. We sing some traditional hymns as well as more modern worship songs. We believe that everyone has a different way of connecting through music and we appreciate a variety of styles.

Are children welcome?
We love kids and there are a bunch of them here each week! Our children’s Sunday school is led by qualified volunteers with current clearances in hand.Children are more than welcome in our regular worship services and we love to hear the occasional chirp of an infant during the message. There are also rooms with glass walls in. the back of the sanctuary if the little ones get particularly wiggly and you still want to participate in the service. The bottom line is that we love kids and they are some of the most exciting members of our family
What are the sermons like?

Our messages are based onGod’s Word, which we believe is the central truth of our faith. Our goal is to share relevant truth that touches on the issues each of us face in our daily lives. We strive to be open, honest, challenging, and relatable in our teaching

Will I be asked to give an offering?

Guests are certainly not required or asked to give to the offering. We believe that any offering is part of a larger spiritual discipline between you and God. Our regular attendees are encouraged to participate in the offering as we use those resources to be a blessing to the Windber community, theLaurel Highlands region, and the larger world

Will I be singled out in any way?

Absolutely not! We are a naturally friendly bunch of people though so you will probably be greeted by a bunch of our regular attendees. We do have a welcome packet that we would love to give you. It contains information on the church family and our weekly gatherings, as well as a cool little gift

Worship Service
Worship Service

Sunday – 10:00am

Our weekly celebration. This is a great place to start!

Children’s Sunday School
Children’s Sunday School

Every Sunday
from 10:00 – 11:15

Your kids will experience a fun-filled time of games, activities, and age appropriate bible lessons. 

Small Groups
Small Groups

Small Groups meet throughout the week at various times.

Some are ongoing, and some are only for a season.